With two in three Australians being diagnosed with Skin Cancer within their lifetime, this shows we need to do more to promote proper sun protection.
November 20th – 26th is the Cancer Councils National Skin Cancer Action week.
Research shows that many Australians, particularly men, aren’t using all 5 forms of sun protection.
Over exposure to UV radiation causes 95% of Melanomas. Sadly, around 2000 Australians will die each year from this disease, and it is estimated that almost twice as many men as women will die from melanoma this year alone.
When the UV level is 3 or above, sun protection is required. Be sure to use all 5 forms of sun protection.
- Slip on sun protective clothing.
- Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30 or higher sunscreen.
- Slap on a hat – broad brim or legionnaire style to protect your face, head, neck, and ears.
- Seek shade
- Slide on sunglasses.