February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month with National Teal Ribbon day Wednesday February 22nd.
Everyday in Australia 4 women are diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Every year around 1800 Australian women are diagnosed. Ovarian cancer is the 8th most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian women, yet it is the most lethal. Currently there is no early detection test, only exploratory surgery can detect and diagnose Ovarian Cancer. More research needs to be done to be able to detect and diagnose Ovarian Cancer in the early stages without exploratory surgery.
The Ballarat Skin Cancer Centre is raising money for Ovarian Cancer Australia starting the week of Monday 20th February through to Friday 24th February.
We will have some merchandise available at reception if you wish to pop in and make a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated.
You will also find information on your risk factors and the symptoms to look out for in reception.
Thank you for helping us raise money for this worthy cause.