To make an appointment, please call the practice on (03) 5303 0188 between the hours of
8:30 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday.
For all appointments it is required that you have a current referral (NB. referrals expire after 12 months from referral date). If you do not have a referral you will not be able to claim any money back from Medicare.
Our Reception staff will assist with appointment availability and approximate fees.
If you require an urgent appointment, it is best to ask your referring doctor to contact the practice directly.
If you require surgical appointments, our reception staff will call you once we have discussed with your doctor a suitable date and time for your surgery.
We are located at 5-9 Wood Street, Soldiers Hill on the corner of Howitt Street and Wood Street. Directly opposite Selkirk Brick Factory located on Howitt Street.
You will need to ensure that you have your Medicare card and any private health Insurance details when attending an appointment. If you are a new patient you are required to bring in a referral to receive your medicare rebate. For existing patients, if your referral has expired you will need to bring in a new referral.
Many patients assume that surgery will not be required if the lesion appears to have disappeared after the biopsy. However, this is NOT the case. Skin cancers can be deceptively large – far more extensive under the skin than they appear to be from the surface. These cancers may have “roots” in the skin, or along blood vessels, nerves, or cartilage. Although the lesion appears to be gone, the roots of the skin cancer may still be present under the skin and if left untreated may cause structural damage beneath the surface.
It is important to talk with one of our Dermatologists before cancelling your appointment, as they will be able to better inform you as to whether the surgery is still necessary.
No, we are a skin cancer diagnosis and management centre.
Consumer Resources
- Consumer resource folders (Located in reception + recovery)
- Consumer Newsletters
- Ballarat Surgicentre + Ballarat Surgicentre websites
- Decision aid tools
- General reading material, including Aboriginal art + painting literature
For further information, feel free to contact our consumer liaison representative on (03) 5303 0188