Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common of all skin cancers in Australia. They are also named rodent ulcers due to their ability to erode into surrounding tissues.
The incidence of Basal Cell Carcinoma increases with age, and is most often seen in people with fair skin who have accumulated significant exposure to the sun, including sunburns.
Basal cell carcinomas are most often slow growing tumours that remain asymptomatic and unnoticed by the patient for prolonged periods. They often look like other non-harmful skin lesions, making self-diagnosis challenging.
The treatment of basal cell carcinoma is variable, and depends on factors including the sub-type, size, tumour depth and anatomical location. For a small number of basal cell carcinomas non-surgical treatments including creams and photodynamic therapy may be used.
The highest cure rates are achieved using MOHs micrographic surgery.
Examples of Basal Cell Carcinomas